Great Locations To Add Replacement Windows

When you get replacement windows in Clovis, CA, you can not only look forward to the benefits of energy efficiency and a fresh, new look, but you have an opportunity to make a real change in your home. Perhaps you want to change the windows’ styles to get something that functions better. Maybe you want to get something in a different color so you can enjoy a contrast or something more streamlined. You can also figure out where you want to add more windows, so you have more light in darker locations or better ventilation in others. It’s a good chance to make those changes while you can. Here are a few great places to add new windows when you are getting the others replaced:

Dark Hallways

Many hallways don’t have windows in them, but that means they are often dark. Even if there’s overhead lighting, it just feels closed in. If the hallway has a wall that leads to the outside, you can put a window in there to brighten the space. You could put the window high on the wall in order to keep privacy intact, but let the light in. If there’s no outer wall, you could consider a skylight in the ceiling to help with the lighting.

Any Bathroom

Many bathrooms don’t have windows because these spaces need to have as much privacy as possible. But that can lead to a dark, gloomy look in the room. Instead of leaving that alone, you could put a window into the bathroom to give it the natural light and perhaps even the ventilation it needs. You can get fogged or etched glass to keep privacy in place, or you can put the window high on the wall, like above the bathtub or shower. You could also consider a skylight in this space, which works well to bring in light but keep privacy around.

replacement windows in Fresno, CA

Around The Entry Door

The entryway makes a big first impression—if things are set upright. If your entryway is dark, it might not ever feel quite right. You can put a window is above the door to give you the light you want without letting prying eyes in. You could also put windows beside the doors and those can be frosted so people can’t see in, but that so you can still get light in.

There are plenty of other places you can add replacement windows in Clovis, CA, it’s completely up to you. You will need to figure out where you want the new windows, what side, and what style so you can place them along with the rest of the project. The professionals at Clovis Glass are ready to help at any time. We can talk about the different requirements for replacement windows according to your home’s needs and your overall goals. It’s a good idea to talk to professionals and get recommendations and advice before you get too far in the possibly wrong direction to suit your home.