Entries by Clovis Glass

Creating Outstanding Replacement Windows

When your home needs replacement windows in Sanger, CA, you might know that the process is an investment. You want to take time and put effort into the project so you get as much out of it as you can. You don’t just want any windows. The windows you install are going to last for […]

What’s In The Glass?

When you are getting replacement windows in Madera, CA, the two most important parts of the window are the frames and the glass. You might already know what you want in frame material. If you know about vinyl windows, that choice might be obvious for you to make. Most homeowners go with vinyl today because […]

Getting Into Window Replacement Hardware Details

When your home is begging for replacement windows in Sanger, CA, it’s a great opportunity to make some changes to your home. You don’t have to go big and change the window colors and style if you don’t want to—though you can. Sometimes, even small changes can make a big difference. Once you make decisions […]

Being A Friend To Your House

When you make a friend, there are certain things you are willing to do for that person. Your house is more of an investment, but it’s also like a friend over the years that your family lives there. When you need to do certain things for the house over the years, you may feel like […]

The Details On Vinyl For Window Replacement Newbies

If you have never gotten replacement windows in Madera, CA for a home before, you’re not alone. Most homeowners haven’t gone through the process and when they do, they only have to go through it once. You may know that vinyl replacement windows are the most popular kind, but why is that? Are they the […]

Not Every Window Replacement Detail Is Obvious

There are some things that are going to come easily when you are looking at replacement windows in Shaver Lake, CA. Once you learn how the ratings work, it’s easy to compare one window to another and see which one is more energy efficient. But there are other things that are a bit more behind […]

The Decisions You Make With Replacement Windows

When you purchased your home, you made the decision to follow through with the purchase and as the homeowner, you get to decide when you do certain things. If you have figured out that it’s time for replacement windows in Shaver Lake, CA, you are in charge of all of the decisions that come after […]